Search Results | scaly mountain

Your search for "scaly mountain" returned 17 results

How the Spider-tailed Horned Viper Tricks Unsuspecting Prey

There probably aren't many animals as aptly named as the spider-tailed horned viper. With a tail tip that resembles a spider and horns atop its head, it's easy to visualize this venomous snake.

Can You Identify These Texas Animals?

From the forests of the Piney Woods in East Texas to the plains and mountains of Big Bend Country in West Texas, the Lone Star State is littered with intriguing animals. Here's your chance to identify them.

Cryptozoology: Hunting Bigfoot and Other Mysterious Beasts

Cryptozoology is the study of creatures that are rumored to exist. But for true believers, these "cryptids" are alive and well and lurking among us.

5 Skin Problems You Can Get From Your Pets

Skin problems you can get from your pets include bacteria, fungi and bugs. Learn about skin problems you can get from your pets.

5 Cool Cats in the Wild

When we think of cats in the wild, we most likely think of lions and tigers. But there so many more. HowStuffWorks looks at five super-cool wild cats.

Skin Parasites

Skin parasites include lice, bedbugs and scabies and affect numerous people every year. See common skin parasites and how to avoid infection.

Do You Recognize All These Cryptids From A Description?

Calling all cryptozoologists! You know what a Yeti is, but can you identify a yeren? You're familiar with Bigfoot, but what about the buru? If you want to test your knowledge of legendary cryptids, you've got to take this quiz!

10 Plants Lost to History

Are trees and shrubs as cute as pandas? As awe-inspiring as whales? Maybe not, but many are in danger of going the way of the dodo — just like countless leafy greens before them. Learn about some amazing plants we lost to history.

Can You Name The Object From These Riddles?

Riddle me this, shopaholics! What's plastic to the core and swiped all over? Why, a credit card, of course! Now whip up yours and let's sashay down the stores. We'll preselect a few items on board and see what you can afford!

Can You Name These Weird Animal Species from a Photo?

Have you ever seen an animal that looks like it walked out of a secret lab? Well, it turns out that there are quite a few of them. Take this quiz to find out how well you know them!

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